September 7, 2022 | It is with great sadness and condolence that ONEJOON GmbH announces the death of their dear colleague Peter Vervoort. He died through no fault of his own in a traffic accident on Sunday, August 7th 2022. As Vice President, he was responsible for the business area Global Technology and played a major role in the development and establishment of the ONEJOON Test Center.
Peter Vervoort was always excited about his profession. His excitement for technological developments and complex challenges not only inspired his co-workers, but also colleagues and customers worldwide. His vast expertise, creativeness and ability to view our customer’s challenges from their perspective and embrace their goals have been remarkable. He did this with the knowledge of an academically trained analyst and developer who picked up the gauge himself from time to time and set his hands on the furnace. Mr. Vervoort devoted his interest to the invention and advancement of procedures, plant concepts as well as innovative applications and technologies. He played a leading role in the successful entry of our company into the Battery & Powder Materials market. Moreover, Peter Vervoort was a renowned expert in the field of powder metallurgy and an active member of national and international boards. He was a much sought-after speaker at conferences and author of articles and books.
The technological education of young people was a matter close to his heart. He successfully strengthened ONEJOON cooperations with universities. Both students at the ONEJOON Test Center and colleagues benefited from his didactic talent through personal discussions or ONEJOON Campus lectures. His team could always approach him and he was a mentor who communicated on eye level.
With his exemplary engagement, distinct sense of responsibility and charisma, he gained lasting reputation within and outside the company.