Setting The Stage For A European Battery Cell Market
What does a technology-smart battery policy look like? It's something the European Commission should carefully consider, according to a perspective published in Science.
SBS, LLC Launches Battery Academy
Storage Battery Systems, LLC has announced the opening of Battery Academy, a new training facility and program that will offer the utility and telecom industries a wide range of training solutions.
Cementex Announces New Service Tech Pack Kits with Double-Insulated Hand Tools
Cementex, the safety tool specialists, announces the release of the new Service Tech Pack Kits, featuring Cementex double-insulated safety hand tools organized in cutting-edge storage and containment technology.
Network-ready, control cabinet UPS
Phoenix Contact's new QUINT DC UPS is the first industrial UPS platform to provide real-time information about a battery's health over standard industrial networking protocols, such as EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, EtherCAT, and USB.
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Disaster Recovery Orgs Turn To Batteries And Solar Power
Direct Relief, a nonprofit disaster recovery organization based in Santa Barbara, California, is protecting itself with a solar-powered microgrid, equipped with a Tesla battery and software, Fast Company reports.
Future Electric Cars Could Be One Giant Battery
Researchers at the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden believe the bodies of electric cars can be utilized to operate as electrodes in a lithium-ion battery, becoming part of the battery itself.
NASA Places Initial Order For KULR's Battery Testing Devices
KULR today announced that NASA has placed an initial order for the Internal Short Circuit trigger battery cells, which can replicate lithium-ion battery cell failures in battery pack designs. The ISC is licensed, manufactured and distributed by KULR under an exclusive agreement with the DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
AABC Europe
Join 1,000+ colleagues at Europe's best networking event for automotive energy storage where chief battery technologists from major automakers present their development trends and projected battery needs, and their key suppliers share their latest offerings and roadmaps for the future.
International Battery Seminar & Exhibit
The final agenda for the International Battery Seminar is now available. Don't miss the Plenary Keynote presentations from Prof. Jeff Dahn and Google's Dr. James Lim.

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